INFINITE-CELL join for the first time in an international and intersectoral network, leading European Institutions in the development of kesterites (IREC, HZB, UAM, IAP-ASM) and low cost c-Si TF technologies based on recycled silicon (SINTEF, CNRS -ICUBE, IPCMS and CEMTHI labs-, IAP-ASM), with two European companies in PV (SUNGA, MET), and four non-European Institutions with remarkable activities in kesterites (BSUIR, UM5), and in TCO and characterization (MASCIR, UM5, UWC), for the development of cost-efficient c-Si TF/kesterite tandem solar cells.
Infinite-cell main objective
INFINITE-CELL aims to stablish and consolidate an International and Intersectoral Cooperation Project between 6 Academic European and Associated Countries Institutions, 2 European Companies, and 4 Third Country Academic Institutions, for the sustainable development of cost-efficient advanced photovoltaic tandem devices, based on the combination of wide band-gap kesterite (Cu2Zn(Si,Ge,Sn)(S,Se)4) technologies as top cell, and low cost c-Si thin film ones as bottom cell, thanks to the collaborative combination of the know-how and partnership generated in two previous and successful FP7 projects: PVICOKEST (269167) and EUROSUNMED (608593)
Infinite-cell tagets
To implement 293 PMs of International and Intersectoral secondments for the optimization of materials, processes and devices to achieve:
- A wide band-gap (>1.50 eV) kesterite solar cell device with efficiency higher than 14%, compatible with tandem concepts (onto semi-transparent substrates).
- A low cost c-Si thin film solar cell based on recycled materials, with efficiency higher than 16%, compatible with tandem concepts
- A stacked kesterite/Si tandem solar cell with efficiency exceeding 20%
- A monolithically integrated kesterite/Si tandem solar cell with efficiency exceeding 15%
INFINITE-CELL is structured in 6 complementary work packages, including: WP1- Bottom cell: low cost c-Si TF based devices; WP2- Top cell: kesterite based devices; WP3- Tandem integration: stacked and monolithically integrated devices; WP4- Devices simulation and characterization; WP5- Dissemination and exploitation; WP6- Management and Coordination.